Retrieving the data

Accessing your disk space

Each observing project owns disk space on discos-console. Open a terminal on such machine and use:

$ su - [project-code]

The necessary password is provided by your project friend. Once logged in, you will find specific folders under your home folder, in particular

  • data Folder containing the data acquired by running schedules when observing with XARCOS or the TPB

  • sardaraData Folder containing the data acquired by running schedules when observing with SARDARA

  • extraData Folder containing the data acquired by using command lines

  • logs Folder where logfiles are stored

  • schedules Folder where your schedules must be uploaded to

Your disk space can also be remotely accessed, as long as you connect to it from the SRT campus network. Use:

$ ssh [project-code]@discos-console

To retrieve your data, open a terminal on your machine and use:

$ scp -r [project-code]@discos-console:./data/[YYYYMMDD] .

For SARDARA data, this becomes:

$ scp -r [project-code]@discos-console:./sardaraData/[YYYYMMDD] .

When you need to upload your schedules to the system, instead, open a terminal on your machine and write:

$ scp [schedulename].* [project-code]@discos-console:./schedules

Data structure

Inside the data folders, subfolders named according to the date (YYYYMMDD) will be automatically created during acquisitions. Taking into account the choice of the FITS format, the date-dependent folder contains a subfolder for every scan, inside which there are the FITS files (one for each subscan).

Data storage scheme

Scan folder names are composed as:



  • HHMMSS is the UT time associated to the first sample of the acquisition

  • Project is the code/name specified using the project= command,

    or when starting a schedule with startSchedule=[project/][schedulename].scd,[N]

  • Suffix is a user-defined string retrieved from the schedule files.

    Though no control can be applied on the choice/check of this string, the agreement is that it should coincide with the target name.

FITS files, each corresponding to a subscan, are composed as:
