

From functionals to unit (summary of Write the component).

Where to put the tests

Tests must be defined in the tests directory within the module you are writing:

$ tree tests/

|-- Makefile
|-- .discos
|-- external
|   `--
|-- functional
|   `--
|-- procedure.cfg
|-- pyunit
|   `--
|-- results
`-- unittest.cpp

This is the default structure for tests definitions but more complex structures are also possible, depending on your needs. Unit tests are defined in tests/unittest.cpp while the tests/functional directory and its sub-directories contain the functional tests and, as you probably figured out, the api sub-directory hosts the API while the commands one hosts the command tests.


Do not worry if you do not know this terminology, in the next sections we will give a definition and an explanation of every of these words.

You can create that directory using the getTemplateForTest command. For instance, if you want to create that directory for the DewarPositioner component:

$ cd $NURAGHE_ROOT/Common/Servers/DewarPositionier
$ ls
doc  srt
$ getTemplateForTest
$ ls
doc srt tests