Unit testing

Unit tests are just what the name suggests: portion of code which ensure that each code unit is performing as expected. These are especially useful for documenting the interface of a class by providing real usage examples, and whenever someone makes a change to a code unit in order to verify that the change did not break the behavior of the unit itself.


Contrary to what may seem obvious, unit testing involves much more the design of your code rather then the testing of already written code. That’s why we talk about Test Driven Development, because if you develop with testing in your mind, and also writing tests first, your code will result better conceived, better designed, more maintanable and easily documented and usable by other memebers of your team.

Unit testing and TDD enforce the adoption of SOLID principles when writing your code, and this is expecially true for C++ code: if your code module is well concieved in terms of object oriented design, it should contain a lot of little classes each of which encapsulates a well determined behavior and is responsible for a well defined set of actions. That’s to say that if you adhere to the single responsibility principle your code will naturally be divided into code units. Also, dependency management between code modules will be better managed if you adhere to dipendency inversion principles. We will see how both of these requirements will be necessary for writing effective tests and will lead to better code design and implementation.


Unit tests can be effectively developed also against already written code to ensure its stability and safe refactoring. Even if it is not proper TDD it will provide good value to your code.

DISCOS Integration

Within DISCOS we have developed some automation which eases the development and the execution of unit tests, and this can be applied to every module you write.

We will demonstrate how to write unit tests and how to integrate the tests development into your workflow by developing a simple library, the same approach can be used for every code unit defined within discos.

The library we will develop is a unit of code we can use to connect to an external backend according to the protocol specified in Backend protocol.


Within DISCOS we are using the third party libraries google test and google mock to ease the writing and execution of tests. Documentation for these libraries can be found online at:

  • Google test introduction is a must read for everyone using this library for the first time and contains very introductory material. You can keep this document at your disposal while writing your first tests or reading this guide.

  • Google test advanced guide contains more advanced documentation about more complex assert statements, exceptions ecc…

  • Google mock for dummies is the introductory material for the google mock library. Mocking is a slightly advanced topic in developing unit tests, expecially when it comes to C++ implementations. you should read this guide if you are developing tests which contain dependencies from external objects.


Google mock and google test frameworks are automatically installed by the provisioning scripts defined in azdora projects. If you are running on a different machine you can still use azdora gmock script as a reference for installation. It is important that you do not change the paths where libraries are installed if you want to rely on all the automations defined within the DISCOS framework.

C++ implementation

Section author: Marco Bartolini

We start by writing our first test in our tests directory generated with getTemplateForTest script. We thus edit tests/unittest.cpp to define a simple behavior for our Request class: this will encapsulate a request message we’d like to send to our backend server:

 1#include "gtest/gtest.h"
 3#include "grammar.h"
 5using namespace backend;
 7TEST(MessageTest, MessageRequestConstruction){
 8    Request request("myrequest");
 9    EXPECT_EQ("?myrequest", request.toString());

Note how we already define how we’d like the class to behave.

  • Line 1 includes the necessary google tests headers.

  • Line 3 This file is still not defined but it will contain the necessary definitions

  • Line 7 defines a new unit test using the TEST macro defined in google library. The two parameters define a test-case-name and a test-name which will be used in the final report to identify and group unit test results.

  • Line 8 defines the behaior of our Request class

  • Line 9 is the actual test we are performing. We are using the EXPECT_EQ macro to check that our class is behaving as expected.


We are leaving out some boilerplate code from this online guide for better readability. You can download the complete archive containing the full working code.

Next step will be to define the code which will make this test pass. So we define a simple ExternalBackendLibrary/include/grammar.h:

 1 #include <string>
 2 #include <vector>
 4 #include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
 6 #define BACKEND_REQUEST '?'
 7 #define BACKEND_REPLY '!'
 8 #define BACKEND_REPLY_OK "ok"
 9 #define BACKEND_REPLY_INVALID "invalid"
10 #define BACKEND_REPLY_FAIL "fail"
11 #define BACKEND_SEPARATOR ","
13 using namespace std;
15 namespace backend{
17 class Message
18 {
19     public:
20         Message(const char message_type,
21                 const char* name,
22                 vector<string> arguments = vector<string>()) :
23             m_type(message_type),
24             m_name(name),
25             m_arguments(arguments){};
26         virtual ~Message();
27         virtual string toString() = 0;
28     protected:
29         const char m_type;
30         string m_name;
31         vector<string> m_arguments;
32 }; //class Message
34 class Request : public Message
35 {
36     public:
37         Request(const char* name,
38                 vector<string> arguments = vector<string>()) :
39                 Message(BACKEND_REQUEST,
40                         name,
41                         arguments){};
42         virtual string toString();
43 }; //class Request
45 }; //namespace backend

And the corresponding ExternalBackendLibrary/src/grammar.cpp implementation:

 1 #include "grammar.h"
 3 using namespace backend;
 5 string
 6 Request::toString()
 7 {
 8     ostringstream output;
 9     output << BACKEND_REQUEST << m_name;
10     return output.str();
11 }

The Makefile for this library will be composed of:

1 INCLUDES        = grammar.h
2 LIBRARIES       = ExternalBackend
3 ExternalBackend_OBJECTS   = grammar
4 ExternalBackend_LDFLAGS   = -lstdc++

We have to compile and install the library in order to run our test. Once compiled we need to adjust the test Makefile in ExternalBackendLibrary/tests/Makefile as:

1 EXECUTABLES_L = unittest
2 unittest_OBJECTS = unittest
3 unittest_LIBS = $(GTEST_LIBS) ExternalBackend
4 unittest_LDFLAGS = -lstdc++ -lpthread

Note that in line 3 we are adding the link to the library we want to test, this could also be a component library or any other unit of code.

Running the tests

Now we can try to compile our test:

developer@15:34:02:ExternalBackendLibrary $ cd tests
developer@15:34:05:tests $ make
== Creating Missing directories
/alma/ACS-8.2/ACSSW/include/acsMakefile.all:382: ../object/unittest.d: No such
file or directory
/alma/ACS-8.2/ACSSW/include/acsMakefile.all:388: ../object/unittest.dx: No such
file or directory
== Dependencies: ../object/unittest.dx
== Dependencies: ../object/unittest.d

== C++ Compiling: unittest.cpp
== Building executable: ../bin/unittest

 . . . 'all' done

And run it with make unit:

developer@15:34:12:tests $ make unit
== Creating Missing directories

 . . . 'all' done
 running cpp unit tests
 ../bin/unittest --gtest_output=xml:results/cppunittest.xml
 Running main() from gtest_main.cc
 [==========] Running 1 test from 1 test case.
 [----------] Global test environment set-up.
 [----------] 1 test from MessageTest
 [ RUN      ] MessageTest.MessageRequestConstruction
 [       OK ] MessageTest.MessageRequestConstruction (0 ms)
 [----------] 1 test from MessageTest (2 ms total)

 [----------] Global test environment tear-down
 [==========] 1 test from 1 test case ran. (6 ms total)
 [  PASSED  ] 1 test.
  . . . 'unit' done

From the output it should be clear that the MessageTest.MessageRequestConstruction unit test has been executed successfully.

Test Failures

What if our implementation does not conform to the expected unit of code defined in our test? Well, obviously the test will fail. Suppose for example that the string representation of our request should contain a # character instead of an ?, the result of our test will look like:

 1 [----------] Global test environment set-up.
 2 [----------] 1 test from MessageTest
 3 [ RUN      ] MessageTest.MessageRequestConstruction
 4 unittest.cpp:24: Failure
 5 Value of: request.toString()
 6   Actual: "?myrequest"
 7 Expected: "#myrequest"
 8 [  FAILED  ] MessageTest.MessageRequestConstruction (1 ms)
 9 [----------] 1 test from MessageTest (1 ms total)
11 [----------] Global test environment tear-down
12 [==========] 1 test from 1 test case ran. (6 ms total)
13 [  FAILED  ] 1 test, listed below:
14 [  FAILED  ] MessageTest.MessageRequestConstruction

You can see how the test is executed and the result clearly explains what did not work and also why by providing insights about what was expected and what has been found at runtime.

TDD is essentially this, writing a test and produce the necessary code until the test passes stepping through successive failures.

Testing Exceptions

Now we want to add to our library a function which will parse a line of text and turn it into a reply message. We can proceed like in the previous request case by defining first the expected behavior in a unit test:

TEST(MessageTest, ParseGoodReply){
    string message("!prova,ok,1,2,3");
    Reply msg = parseReply(message.c_str());
    EXPECT_EQ(msg.toString(), message);

And we define the necessary Reply class in our library module header:

class Reply : public Message
        Reply(const char* name,
              const char* code,
              vector<string> arguments = vector<string>()) :
        virtual string toString();
        string m_code;
}; //class Reply

Reply parseReply(const char*);

And in the grammar.cpp implementation:

 1 Reply
 2 backend::parseReply(const char* msg)
 3 {
 4     string msg_string(msg);
 5     // first character must be BACKEND_REPLY
 6     if(!(msg_string[0] == BACKEND_REPLY))
 7         throw GrammarError("not a valid reply");
 8     // type + name + separator + reply_code
 9     if(!(msg_string.length() >= 4))
10         throw GrammarError("reply must contain at least 4 characters");
11     vector<string> split_msg;
12     boost::split(split_msg, msg_string, boost::is_any_of(BACKEND_SEPARATOR));
13     if(split_msg.size() < 2)
14         throw GrammarError("reply must contain at least a name and a reply code");
15     string msg_name = split_msg[0].substr(1, string::npos);
16     string msg_code = split_msg[1];
17     if((!(msg_code == BACKEND_REPLY_OK)) &&
18        (!(msg_code == BACKEND_REPLY_FAIL)) &&
19        (!(msg_code == BACKEND_REPLY_INVALID)))
20         throw GrammarError("not a valid reply code");
21     vector<string> msg_arguments(split_msg.begin() + 2, split_msg.end());
22     return Reply(msg_name.c_str(), msg_code.c_str(), msg_arguments);
23 }

As you can see in lines 7, 10, 14 and 20, the parsing function raises an exception whenever the reply string does not conform to the protocol. We want to add a check to our test to ensure that the exception does not get risen if the string is correct, and obviously we want to make sure that the exception is risen when appropriate. Our test will become:

TEST(MessageTest, ParseGoodReply){
    string message("!prova,ok,1,2,3");
    Reply msg;
        msg = parseReply(message.c_str());
    EXPECT_EQ(msg.toString(), message);

TEST(MessageTest, ParseBadReply){
    string bad_type_reply("#prova,ok,1,2,3");
    string bad_code_reply("!prova,badcode,1,2,3");
    EXPECT_THROW(parseReply(bad_type_reply.c_str()), GrammarError);
    EXPECT_THROW(parseReply(bad_code_reply.c_str()), GrammarError);

We introduced the ASSERT_NO_THROW and EXPECT_THROW macros, defined in google test framework. Every macro in the framework appears with both the ASSERT_ and the EXPECT_ prefixes, if the assert fails the unit test is interrupted while if the expect fails the unit test is not interrupted and successive instructions within the unittest are also executed.

Test Fixtures

As you can see we are using some variables within our unit tests. Whenever there’s some code that can be shared between different unit tests we can incapsulate those definitions in a reusable class that we call a test fixture. Now each test case exploiting the test fixture will have access to the members of that class and will execute some default methods upon initialization and destrucion of the unit test. In our example we want to share the message strings between all our message tests so that we will have those defined in one common, convenient, place. Our test will become:

 1 class Messages : public ::testing::Test {
 2     public:
 3         static const char *good_request, *bad_request, *good_reply_ok,
 4                           *good_reply_fail, *good_reply_invalid, *bad_reply_type,
 5                           *bad_reply_code; //*
 6 };
 8 const char * Messages::good_request = "?prova,1,2,3";
 9 const char * Messages::bad_request = "#prova,1,2,3";
10 const char * Messages::good_reply_ok = "!prova,ok,1,2,3";
11 const char * Messages::good_reply_fail = "!prova,fail,1,2,3";
12 const char * Messages::good_reply_invalid = "!prova,invalid,1,2,3";
13 const char * Messages::bad_reply_type = "#prova,invalid,1,2,3";
14 const char * Messages::bad_reply_code = "!prova,badcode,1,2,3";
16 TEST_F(Messages, ParseBadReply){
17     EXPECT_THROW(parseReply(bad_reply_type), GrammarError);
18     EXPECT_THROW(parseReply(bad_reply_code), GrammarError);
19 }
  • In line 1 we defined a new class inheriting from ::testing::Test , this is the base class for our unit tests.

  • In line 16 we use the TEST_F macro which tells the framework that this unit test has fixtures and must inherit from the type specified as the first argument of the macro.

  • Within the unit test with fixtures now we have access to all the variables and methods defined in the fixture class.

Test Fixtures can be much more complex than this simple example, in particular they can define special methods such as setUp and tearDown which get executed for each unit test. We will see how to use those by procceding in our library example.


Python implementation

Section author: Marco Buttu