
To automatically deploy DISCOS, you need to install some dependencies: Git, Ansible, Python 2.7, Vagrant and VirtualBox. It usually takes about 15 minutes.

Install Git

Before installing Git, verify if it is already installed:

$ git --version
git version 2.17.1

You do not need a particular version of Git, but if the command git --version fails, than you have to install Git by following the instructions at the official Git website.

Install a Python 2.7 environment

The whole DISCOS deployment procedure relies on Python 2.7. Verify if Python 2.7 is already installed on your system:

$ python --version
Python 2.7.15rc1

If your system comes bundled with a different Python version, you may want to consider installing a Python 2.7 environment such as Anaconda, Miniconda or Pyenv and its Virtualenv plugin.

Install VirtualBox and Vagrant

You need to install VirtualBox and Vagrant only if you want to deploy DISCOS on virtual machines, as in the case of a development environment. As a first step, check if VirtualBox is already installed:

$ which virtualbox

In case it is not, download the binary file from the official website and install it.


The suggested VirtualBox version to install is the 5.1. As of today, the latest release of VirtualBox, version 5.2, seems to introduce some lag in SSH sessions to the deployed virtual machines. Version 5.1 also matches the VirtualBox guest additions already installed in the virtual machines.

Now verify if Vagrant is installed:

$ vagrant --version
Vagrant 2.2.1

If it is not, download the binary file from the vagrant official website and install it.

At this point you are ready to deploy DISCOS. The Quick start section is a good starting point, because it covers a typical scenario.